BURGA privacy statement is in order to explain the use of certain features and facilities on this web site and to demonstrate our commitment to privacy.
Our server automatically logs certain information about your computer and browser whenever you use the site. The logged information includes the type, version and capabilities of browser, operating system and Internet TCP/IP address. We may use this information in order to accurately feed pages that will display correctly for you.
Site Cookies
We may store information about you using cookies (files which are sent by us to your computer or other access device) which we can access when you visit our site in future. We do this to store information that enables us to tailor the website to you, such as your nearest or preferred BURGA venue. By storing this information we can keep those preferences selected as you browse around our pages, and if you return to our website again later.
Third-party Cookies
We additionally use some third party tools to provide features on our websites, and they may also store information about your visit using cookies. We use the following tools that may do this:
Google Analytics
Provides us with information on how you use our website, which pages you visit, and which features you use. You can find out more about what data they may store here: and and opt-out of it here:
Enables us to use facebook specific features on our website, such as Like buttons, or sharing. You can find out more about what data they may store here: Facebook does not offer a single opt-out facility, instead you can manage your privacy settings here:, or you can Logout of Facebook manually to prevent these features working on this, or any other website, without you being asked to log in first.
Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site.
You are not required to register with us in order to use our site.
In order to take advantage of on-line offers or to subscribe to receive future news and offers from us we ask you to provide your personal details (email, name, etc). BURGA may store this information and use it to contact you with news, information and special offers from BURGA. You can choose not to receive such information by writing to us at the address below. BURGA will only contact you by email if you have indicated that you are happy for us to do so, and we will not pass your email address to any other company for marketing purposes. Details of how to unsubscribe from emails will be included with each email we send you.
We also collect and store your personal details when you provide these to us on the ‘Sign-up’ section of this website. We will use this data in order to respond to your query, for administration purposes and in order to improve our services to you. The information you provide in this section will not be used for marketing unless you specifically request this.
If you believe that any of the information, we hold on you may be incorrect, or if you have any questions about this privacy statement, you can contact: or write to BURGA,170 Portswood Rd, Portswood, Southampton SO17 2NJ.